Non-equilibrium and Quantum Physics
Date: 2022-3-26 20:12:27 |
Category : Research
Although equilibrium and near-equilibrium physics have been established in the past centuries, the study of non-equilibrium physics is still at its infant stage. We are dedicated to study non-equilibrium physics in several aspects:
I.Nontrivial physics of out-of-equilibrium photons and phonons as well as their interactions effects.
II.The physics of cooperative, collective, and autonomous dynamics in quantum and classical systems.
III.Fluctuations and dissipations in synthetic finite quantum thermodynamic systems.
IV.Unconventional orders, dynamics, and dissipations in interacting bosonic systems. We will combine theoretical predictions with experimental studies in photonic and phononic systems. We are also very interested in quantum effects, including quantum transport, quantum clocks, and quantum thermodynamics, which could lead to a wealth of physical phenomena.